Yuk yuk yuk, I was sike in the weekend. My mum was sike to. I had a runy nose and I stad in my tenty nest of blankits. It's warm and tosty in the blankits and makes me feel better.
In the holidays I had a m and m birthday party. I had it at the Rumpis Room. Susan came and so did my mum and Sammy and Kaitlyn and Rosie and Rachel and Charlotte. I rode the horses with Charlotte. I just loved my birthday cake it was a train cake.
I want a tun of sandwichs after school. I want marmit and notella in my sandwich. I want 30 boxs of sandwchs. I will just munch them down my throt. I will feel foll.
A bubble is a cerkall of arre. I can make bubbles out of my malth. I like to make bubbles in my bath. I like to pop bubbles with my hands. It makes me feel happy.
I have a hearing aid. I don't like the way it feels. I put the hearing aid in and set the timer for 10 minits. When the buzzer rings I can take the hearing aid out.
In the weekend I went to a motel. It was undr the grand. It had a jug and a mycrowav and a tostr and evrything. It was in Hamilton. It was a long long long drive to get there.